Peggy Hill, the matriarch of the Hill family in the classic animated sitcom King of the Hill, “sings” David Guetta and Nicki Minaj’s 2014 hit “Hey Mama,” in the latest pop culture mashup by New York-based video editor Adam Schleichkorn.
“In the past year or so, Nicki Minaj has added a new facet to her personal brand: that of domestic goddess — especially in her collaboration with David Guetta, “Hey Mama.” Of course, being a badass feminist who also enjoys domestic bliss puts her in spiritual kinship with Peggy Hill of “King of the Hill.” We brought together the Queen of Rap and the Queen of Arlen.”
Previously: Miss Piggy Sings Rihanna’s ‘B*tch Better Have My Money’
[New York Magazine/sent by Adam]