Here’s the first look at Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, a continuation of the beloved Gilmore Girls comedy-drama series, which aired from 2000-2007. The Netflix Original four-part miniseries, which reunites many of the original cast members, will begin streaming on November 25, 2016.
“Gilmore girls makes its much-anticipated return with four memorable chapters from the lives of Lorelai, Emily, Rory and countless more Stars Hollow stalwarts. Picking up nine years after we last dropped in on the whimsical Connecticut town, Gilmore girls: A Year in the Life finds each of our leading ladies at a major crossroad: Lorelai’s relationship with Luke is at an unnerving standstill; Rory’s budding journalism career in New York has stalled before it’s even begun; and Emily’s world is turned upside down following the untimely passing of her beloved husband, Richard.”