In the latest episode of “Binging with Babish,” a cooking series where home chef Andrew Rea recreates famous foods from films and TV shows, Andrew demonstrates how to make two real-life versions of Mr. Krabs‘ famous Krusty Krab Krabby Patty burger from Stephen Hillenburg’s long-running animated Nickelodeon series, Spongebob SquarePants.
“The Krabby Patty is a thing of pop culture culinary legend – a burger, forged from a secret formula, worshipped by a sociopathically upbeat sponge. How do we go about recreating that which is not reacreate-able? A bit of science, a bit of whimsy, and a whole lot of wanton conjecture. Fill in the blanks with me this week as we build an umami burger using ingredients from mother ocean!”
Previous episode: Carol’s Beet and Acorn Cookies From “The Walking Dead”