In the latest episode of “Binging with Babish,” a cooking series where home chef Andrew Rea recreates memorable foods from films and TV shows, Andrew celebrates Sunday’s upcoming return of David Lynch’s 1990–1991 ABC serial drama series, Twin Peaks, by demonstrating how to make fluffy pancakes, ham, and pourover coffee from the fourth episode of show’s first season, with help from Cocktail Chemistry‘s Nick Fisher. In the video below, Nick Fisher recreates the Black Yukon Sucker Punch Cocktail from the fifth episode of Twin Peaks‘ second season.
“Looking at his work, it would appear as though David Lynch loves a few themes: surrealism. Dream sequences. Machinery. And apparently, coffee. Learn how to make the fluffiest of pancakes and the coffeeist of coffees with the help of Nick Fisher from Cocktail Chemistry as we welcome back Twin Peaks this weekend.”
“Twin Peaks is back on the air after over 25 years, yet we still don’t have an official recipe for the mysterious blue foamed highball cocktail that Judge Sternwood orders in season two.”
Previous “Binging with Babish” episode: Dev Shah’s Carbonara From ‘Master of None’