In this edition of The Tonight Show‘s “Musical Genre Challenge,” host Jimmy Fallon and actor Jamie Foxx hilariously sing popular songs in different randomly generated genres, including Baha Men’s “Who Let the Dogs Out” as a Broadway musical, and Migos’ “Bad and Boujee” as a ’60s rock classic, Rihanna’s “B*tch Better Have My Money” as an opera, and more.
Jamie Foxx and Jimmy Fallon Perform Popular Songs in Different Musical Styles
In this edition of The Tonight Show‘s “Musical Genre Challenge,” host Jimmy Fallon and actor Jamie Foxx hilariously sing popular songs in different randomly generated genres, including Baha Men’s “Who Let the Dogs Out” as a Broadway musical, and Migos’ “Bad and Boujee” as a ’60s rock classic, Rihanna’s “B*tch Better Have My Money” as an opera, and more.