In the latest episode of “Binging with Babish,” a cooking series where home chef Andrew Rea recreates famous foods and drinks from films, TV shows, and video games, Andrew prepares his take on Mendl’s Courtesan au Chocolat dessert from director Wes Andersen’s 2014 comedy film, Grand Budapest Hotel.
“Wes Anderson’s films are rife with clashing color schemes, furrow-browed pedantry, and rich character development set against an oddly symmetrical backdrop. In the case of The Grand Budapest Hotel, it’s also home to a pastry as precious as its parentage. The Courtesan au Chocolat, a delicate tower of puffed up pâtissière and saccharine masonry, is the challenge faced this week in the BwB kitchen.”
Previous episode: Puerco Pibil From ‘Once Upon a Time in Mexico’