In this creepy Halloween episode of “Binging with Babish,” a cooking series where home chef Andrew Rea recreates famous foods from films and TV shows, Andrew prepares his take on Dr. Hannibal Lector’s human thigh version of Beggar’s Chicken from season 2 episode 6 of NBC’s 2013-2015 psychological thriller–horror TV series, Hannibal.
“The history of eating one’s fellow man is rich with culinary tradition and innovation, carried on in no small part by Dr. Hannibal Lecter. In this pivotal scene, he gives a fellow killer a taste of his own medicine, so to speak – if, at the time, he had medicine in his bloodstream, because he’s eating his own leg. So to speak. Celebrate Halloween in style with this traditional clay-baked entrée with a little help from FoodTube’s favorite mystery man, You Suck at Cooking.”
Previous episode: Turkish Delight from ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’