In the latest episode of “Binging with Babish,” a cooking series where home chef Andrew Rea recreates famous foods from films and TV shows, Andrew prepares a homemade version of the super cheesy Quatro Quesos Dos Fritos snack from the USA Network’s 2006-2014 detective comedy-drama series, Psych.
“You thought Dulé Hill couldn’t steal the show once again after his residency on the West Wing – well, back by popular demand, he’s reprising his role as Burton Guster in the tv-movie revival of Psych this weekend. Revel in the duo’s stoner-like propensity for hilariously unhealthy snacks with this week’s recreation of a fan favorite: potatoes, stuffed with four cheeses, deep-fried, breaded, and re-fried, nestled on a bed of ancho sour cream and crispy bacon.”
Previous episode: How to Make Rachel’s Beef Trifle from ‘Friends’