The Evolution of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

To celebrate the theatrical premiere of the latest Marvel superhero film, Avengers: Infinity War, video editing duo Andy Schneider and Jonathan Britnell of Burger Fiction take a chronological look at each of the twenty Marvel Cinematic Universe films, so far, from 2008’s Iron Man to the upcoming 2018 film, Ant-Man and The Wasp.

“Just in time for the big show! We are excited about Infinity War! Hard to believe this was all set in motion a decade ago with the release of Iron Man. 20 Movies later and Marvel truly has built a cinematic universe. So many great characters and moments in the past 10 years. We’ve done our best to collect as many of them into this evolution video. So enjoy our look back at the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so far!”

Previously: The Evolution of Pixar