Disney and Lucasfilm just released the first full-length trailer for the upcoming second Star Wars anthology film, Solo: A Star Wars Story. The film explores the adventures of a young Han Solo and his Wookiee partner Chewbacca. Solo stars Alden Ehrenreich (as Solo), Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, and Donald Glover, and warps into theaters on May 25, 2018.
The First Full Trailer for ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’
Disney and Lucasfilm just released the first full-length trailer for the upcoming second Star Wars anthology film, Solo: A Star Wars Story. The film explores the adventures of a young Han Solo and his Wookiee partner Chewbacca. Solo stars Alden Ehrenreich (as Solo), Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, and Donald Glover, and warps into theaters on May 25, 2018.