In the latest episode of “Binging with Babish,” a cooking series where home chef Andrew Rea recreates famous foods from films and TV shows, Andrew demonstrates how to make two versions of Cheesy Blasters, one of Liz Lemon’s favorite snacks from the long-running 2006-2013 NBC sitcom, 30 Rock.
“Liz Lemon is much more than a fictional character to compare yourself to in your Tinder profile – she’s dynamic, she’s strong, and she’s kind of gross in her personal life. One of her many gross attributes is a taste for Cheesy Blasters, the MeatCat™-approved snack containing jack cheese, hot dogs, and pizza. Can we make a sort-of-not-gross version of our favorite NBC Executive Producer’s preferred midnight snack? Only one way to find out.”
Previous episode: The Sloppy Jessica from ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’