30 Times People Showed How Massive Something Is By Using A Human For Scale

I grew up in San Francisco. Right across the Golden Gate Bridge is a magical place called Muir Woods. I went there for the first time on a school field trip when I was 10.

On the bus ride, our teacher told us about how enormous the ancient redwood trees were and I thought I could wrap my young mind around it but I was wrong.

If you’ve never seen one in person, you probably can’t either. These trees are thousands of years old. I stood at the foot of one and realized just how small I was.

Sometimes you need a human for scale.

1. The absurd size of the Motherland calls statue.

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2. Sandbox?

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3. Christ the Redeemer getting some maintenance for its upcoming 90th birthday

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4. Absolute unit of a Maine Lobster claw

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5. Hafþór Björnsson (The Mountain) holding a regular mug.

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6. I never realized how big the Typhoon class was.

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7. The evolution of jet airliner engine sizes, from the Douglas DC8 to the Boeing 777.

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8. Solar power station in Chile with one cell for scale

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9. Wind turbine maintenance.

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10. 7’6″ (229 cm), 5’5″ (165 cm), 7’2″ (218 cm)

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11. Botanical Park of Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Founded in 1808, it is considered one of the most important in the world.

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12. Me standing next to a nuclear cooling tower.

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13. 2 guards from Delhi Durbar with James Recalton an American photographer who visited India in 1903

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14. Human in a boat to show scale of drought at Lake Mead

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15. Mushroom farm

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16. The machine that dug out the channel tunnel between the UK and France

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17. Cross section of a wind turbine blade.

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18. The African Renaissance Monument in Senegal – the tallest statue in Africa

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19. Made this yesterday. The black dot on the stem is me.

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20. Giant bamboo in Sri Lanka

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21. I never knew what absolute U N I T S Clydesdales are until I saw this picture.

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22. Murder Hornets

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23. Mecynorhina torquata is one of the largest flower beetles in the world.

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24. My grandmother amd uncle next to their giant homegrown veg!

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25. Sukhoi Su-57 fighter plane

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26. Thought it was much bigger than it actually is. $11.7 million gold cube in Central Park, NYC

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27. A farmer in Michigan found a wooly mammoth skull buried in his field.

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28. Giant manta ray captured on the coast of New Jersey in 1933.

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29. Cassowaries, the deadliest bird in the world, can grow to 5-6 feet tall with some females reaching 6.6 ft in height.

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30. This lion that was carved from a huge Redwood tree

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