People Are Sharing Examples Of People Being “Fake Tough” In This Online Group (21 Pics)

You think you’re tough? Well, don’t even think about crossing any of these people. They’ll tell you just how tough they are before they do a bunch of tough-guy stuff to you.

They’re probably not gonna like this subreddit that shares examples of fake tough people, but it’s pretty wild,

1. “Coffee Badass”

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2. “His daughter took a laptop home from school to message a boy. So he decides to shoot the laptop that wasn’t even his property.”

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3. “A birthday well wish escalates to ‘there will be consequences'”

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4. “Oh boi, that door sure had it coming”

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5. “Showin’ Costco Who’s Boss!”

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6. “She always told me he was jealous but dang”

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7. “Hurr durr truck, hurr durr gun, hurr durr scary.”

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8. “Let me just threaten to pull a gun on you:”

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9. “Alpha in the room, watch out! Don’t tell him alphas don’t exist, he will call you beta and punch you because he has great self esteem.”

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10. “Understand?”

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11. “Don’t mess with him, guys!”

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12. “Bad ass gamer roaming the streets”

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13. “Boomers are such warriors.”

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14. *Wolf eyes

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15. “This guy will kill you to protect his Rolex”

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16. “Facebook chad in a 1v1 with God”

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17. “My friend and his wife are going through a mutual divorce, her new boyfriend is wasting no time asserting dominance”

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18. “You never know what will go down at a Subway Sandwich shop”

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19. “My dad’s Snapchat post last night”

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20. “Accidentally added the wrong guy on Facebook. Guess I’m a coward now.”

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21. “Ex-cop, Current badass”

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