25 Photos That Are Not (Repeat Not) What They Seem

What… exactly am I looking at here? That’s the question I ask whenever I look at any picture that’s not a picture of myself or items on the Wendy’s dollar menu. Perspective is everything. Not everyone is a visual artist. And yet, everyone has a camera at all times now. The result? Hilarious and weird photos that seem dirty or physically impossible. Take a closer look. Yeah. The photos are not what they seem.

These funny and strange photos are not what you thought they were at first glance:

1. Take a look at those legs.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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2. Take a look THOSE legs.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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3. What has he seen?

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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4. Ah, yes. That’s exactly what I thought they were.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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5. Two heads are better than one.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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6. Lounging.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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7. Like father, like son.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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8. They support each other.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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9. The Clifford movie looks great.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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10. Who wears the pants in this relationship?

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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11. Proper perspective.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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12. Ghost trash.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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13. Looking good.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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14. Wait- who…

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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15. Very friendly.

confusing perspective photos, funny pictures that are not what they seem
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