27 People Who Have Useful Skills For The Apocalypse

16. We must defeat Skynet.

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17. Someone who thinks ahead, even if their skills are dated. Yes. You’re in.

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18. Boost morale. Thank you.

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19. Are these two related? If so, please join us.

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20. Good. Store your energy for later use.

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21. We need to keep things in perspective, so you’re in.

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22. Even if you’re “spoken for,” we will allow you to join up.

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23. This is my body.

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24. If you can come up with a use for the hair, you can probably think outside the box with other items. Welcome.

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25. Some people can’t see the forest for the trees, so we need you. Thank you for your time.

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26. Absolutely a necessity. Never let your guard down.

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27. I’m sorry. You are the weakest link. Good bye.

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h/t Reddit: r/askreddit