Who Says The Nerds Who Write Textbooks Can’t Be Funny? (23 Photos)

Textbooks are helpful if you can stand reading them. Thankfully, some books at least try to be entertaining.

To the authors of the following textbooks, we say “bless you.” You’re doing the Lord’s work.

How many times have I wanted to know a little more about physics, only to realize that I need to know more about math? If one of my teachers had been this funny about equations, I’d certainly be in a different position, intellectually.

These photos prove once and for all that smart people can also be funny. I know. It seems impossible, but here we are.

Here are the funniest moments in real textbooks that will make you wish you were back in school:

1. Solution not found.

2. Sheep looking fresh and clean.

3. America is number one in ruining math.

4. Complicated stuff right here.

5. Don’t waste time explaining yourself.

6. Be the change and solve the hardest question known to man.

7. Helpful.

8. They’re angry people.

9. Thank you.

10. Which would you do?

11. What a diagram.

12. Mnemonics are good.

13. My man has lost his mind.

14. Ours is not to question why.

15. To my family.

16. Memes in the textbook!

17. It’s possible.

18. You know who you are.

19. They never go anywhere.

20. The culprits.

21. A nerd who loves Lord of The Rings wrote a book. Who knew?

22. He’s ready.

23. Good stuff.

h/t Reddit: r/textbookhumour