‘They Made Me Give It Back After They Fired Me’ — Gucci Store Employee Says She Was Fired For Keeping Clothes As ‘Freebies’

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From personal communication to professional networking, social media has revolutionized the way we connect with the world around us. However, when it comes to social media and the workplace, things can get a little tricky. Many companies have strict social media policies in place to protect their brand, reputation, and employees. Ignoring or violating these guidelines can result in serious consequences, including losing your job.

This is what happened to a former Gucci store employee, as she shared in this viral Tiktok.


In the video, she explains that she “unpacked everything Gucci gave her for free.”


Should I just keep the bag and ghost #gucci

♬ Gucci Gang – Lil Pump

This all included: Four socks, three blouses, two pairs of trousers, two blazers, one belt, and one bag. And the caption that got her fired: “Should I keep everything and ghost?”

After posting about all of it on social media, she was let go from her job, so she now has this message for everyone going forward: “So maybe read the social media guidelines when you get hired, or don’t because I hated the job anyway.”

You can see the original Tiktok here:


Replying to @chava_2_ and thats the tea

♬ original sound – melanie

People in the comments sympathized…to a certain extent.