Americans Are Sharing What “Work Ethics” Are Like In Other Countries

16. All of Europe and South America.

Americans discuss work ethic in other countries, America vacation time issues, European countries out of office message, funny viral tweet about work ethics, Americans are overworked and underpaid

Should someone like Elon Musk get flack for tweeting “There are way easier places to work, but nobody ever changed the world on 40 hours a week“? If he’s not paying his employees enough, yes. But I take his point. Mostly, because I am a product of the American educational system and workforce. I beat myself up if I take even a few days off, and I do comedy. I write jokes in meme-form and hate myself if I did fewer than last week. What if I do a bad job, and some other comic horns in on my business? What if I disappoint my parents? LOL. Just kidding. I already did.

Author Adam Grant follows the changing nature of work and how being a generous boss or employee can actually being beneficial rather than treating everything like a zero-sum game. It’s not about working the hardest and longest on the loneliest road, but succeeding by helping others succeed. He wrote a book called Give And Take that outlines this approach. Rather than become a doormat for your boss and burn out forever, negotiate. If you’re a boss, give and you shall receive. Healthy, happier workers who get more vacations will be less stressed and a bigger value to your company.

17. The British make an evening of it.

Americans discuss work ethic in other countries, America vacation time issues, European countries out of office message, funny viral tweet about work ethics, Americans are overworked and underpaid

18. Meanwhile, in Japan.

Americans discuss work ethic in other countries, America vacation time issues, European countries out of office message, funny viral tweet about work ethics, Americans are overworked and underpaid

19. Europe, guilt-free!

Americans discuss work ethic in other countries, America vacation time issues, European countries out of office message, funny viral tweet about work ethics, Americans are overworked and underpaid

20. France is correct.

Americans discuss work ethic in other countries, America vacation time issues, European countries out of office message, funny viral tweet about work ethics, Americans are overworked and underpaid

21. London, England is where I’ll live after a year or two in France.

Americans discuss work ethic in other countries, America vacation time issues, European countries out of office message, funny viral tweet about work ethics, Americans are overworked and underpaid

22. Czech Republic wants none of your B.S.

Americans discuss work ethic in other countries, America vacation time issues, European countries out of office message, funny viral tweet about work ethics, Americans are overworked and underpaid

23. Spotify might deal with American workers but the Swedes want nothing to do with their schedules.

Americans discuss work ethic in other countries, America vacation time issues, European countries out of office message, funny viral tweet about work ethics, Americans are overworked and underpaid

In conclusion, be good to yourselves, be good to your employees, and you can all succeed together. Also, give women paid maternity leave.

h/t @samuel_pollen